
Chinese Custom

  • The 24 solar terms in China

    立春/lìchūn--- the Beginning of Spring/start of spring 雨水/yǔshuǐ--- Rain Water 驚蟄 (惊蛰)/jīngzhé--- the Waking of Insects/awakening of insects 春分/chūnfēn--- the Spring Equinox/vernal equinox 清明/qīngmíng--- Pure Brightness/clear and bright 谷雨穀雨 (谷雨)/gǔyǔ--- Grain Rain 立夏/lìxià--- the Beginning of Summer 小滿 (小满)/xiǎomǎn--- Grain Full 芒種 (芒种)/mángzhòng--- Grain in Ear 夏至/xiàzhì--- the Summer Solstice...

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