

White Folding Box Set

White Folding Box Set on Sale


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SKU: ESH-014

This Sage(Salvia) contains branches and leaves, dry and clean.
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Sage is an herb that is most commonly used as an infusion, extract, tincture, poultice and spice. The oil from sage can be used as a carminative or a stimulant.

Sage tea benefits have been well-known in much of the Mediterranean and Asia, though awareness to these have been slowly creeping in America and the rest of the world. Medicinally, sage tea has traditionally been used for inflammations of the mouth, throat and tonsils, as its volatile oils soothe the mucous membranes.

The infusion made strong, without the lemons and sugar, can also be used as a lotion for ulcers and to heal raw abrasions of the skin. It has also been popularly used as an application to the scalp, to darken the hair. The fresh leaves, rubbed on the teeth, will cleanse them and strengthen the gums. Sage is a common ingredient in tooth-powders.

Among the other health benefits that are believed to be derived from Sage tea or infusion of Sage include the following:

Sage tea is a remedy in the delirium of fevers and in the nervous excitement frequently accompanying brain and nervous diseases;
Sage tea is considered a stimulant tonic in debility of the stomach and nervous system and weakness of digestion generally;
a useful medicine in typhoid fever; an agent in fighting liver and kidney troubles;
Sage tea combats hemorrhage from the lungs or stomach;
Sage tea is used to fight colds, sore throat and quinsy and measles;
Sage tea can be used for pains in the joints, lethargy and palsy; as medication for sore throat, mouth sores and mouth ulcers;
Sage tea can also help check excessive perspiration.



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Chinese Name 鼠尾草(shǔ wěi cǎo)
Other Names Salvia officinalis, Salvia japonica Thunb. ,Salvia
Teaware Glass Pot, Glass(Tumbler), Piao Yi Tea Maker
Water Temperature 95℃(203℉)+
Steeping Instructions Place herbals into the glass pot→Add hot water→Steep for 3-5 minutes(A candle warmer could be used to achieve better results)
Storage Seal tightly, store in a cool, dry place away from sunlight and odour.
Country of Manufacture China
Price $3.00
Packing & Weight 50g~500g/bag. Default packing with aluminium coated kraft paper bag.


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